On 13 September 2020, 37 volunteers from the public planted 550 natives at the Opossum Creek Bushcare site.
The planting was part of a $20,000 grant that SLNC received from the Australian Government’s Communities Environment Program. The project aims to rehabilitate a reach of Opossum Creek in Brookwater, near its junction with Woogaroo Creek.
The main focus is on the killing of tree weeds such as Camphor laurel and Chinese celtis to allow light into the native understorey that was planted 20 years ago by Lloyd Bird’s “Woogaroo Environment Team”. Other areas of these large weed trees were removed and new plantings were required to compete against the celtis regrowth and eventually shade it out.
In the mean time, the Opossum Creek Bushcare group will continue monthly working-bees, mainly consisting of weeding to control this weed regrowth, and preventing the incursion of lantana from adjacent sites.
Bushcare working bee dates can be found under the upcoming events tab – please come and help out our natural environment.